$56.00 $19.00
$56.00 $19.00
\nWard off Negativity Energies and Bring in Positive Energies into your sacred space.
\nA beautiful bell with hanuman standing on top with a mace in 1 hand and another hand raised for blessing. This bell is coming from Sri Digambara Namakal Anjaneya Swamy Temple.
\nMaterial: Heavy shinning Brass
\nHeight : 5.1 inches
\nDiameter of bell : 2.5 inches
\nWeight : 310gms
\nBell is in an integral part of every puja or ritual.It drowns inauspicious energies and brings in positive spiritual energies into your space. Bell is an indispensable part in most Hindu pujas. Ghanta is sounded before the puja and worship begins.Our well-designed bell produces long strains of the sound ‘OM.’ A bell is rung in a Hindu temple, during the waving of light in front of the deity, while bathing the deity , while offering food and etc. Hindu devotees on entering the temple also hit the bell hanged in front of the sanctum. The most widespread belief is that the bell is sounded to invite the deity to accept the worship and prayers. Another belief is that it is to drive away the evil forces.
\nThe sound made from our well-designed bell is uninterrupted, reverberating, deep and sonorous.
\nSymbolically, the body of the bell represents time – Ananta. The tongue of the bell symbolically represents Goddess Saraswathi. The handle of the bell is considered to be the vital principle (Prana Shakti) and symbolically represents Hanuman, Garuda, Nandi or Chakra.We have designed our bell with hanuman and it has some special benefits to it.
\n- If you are said to be affected by shani dasha, then having a hanuman bell is beneficial and to ring it reminds Shani Bhagawan that you are a disciple of hanuman and your space is for hanuman. Shani Bhagawan planetary malefic effects on you will be tremendously be reduced to an extent.
\nAbout the temple :
\nNamakkal Anjaneyar temple is located in Namakkal, a town in Namakkal district in Tamil Nadu, India and is dedicated to the Hindu god Hanuman. Viswaroopa darshana of Lord Hanuman with folded hands worshiping Lord Lakshmi Narasimha in open terrace without any roof is rarity at this temple. The eyes of Aanjaneya (Lord Hanuman) is in straight line with the lotus feet of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha on top of the hill called Namagiri which is believed to be a Salagrama Shila brought by Lord Hanuman. The gigantic 18 ft. life size idol of Lord Hanuman carved out of a single stone is believed to be growing in size.
\nVideo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KTO0h5btyg
\nMantra :
\nSpecial Mantra to recite when ringing bell will be given upon purchase.
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