\nThe pandavas conducted the Nigumbala Yagam to win the The Kurukshetra War and redeem their kingdom.
\n5 to 7 hours prayers
\nThis Homa is performed by Vedic specialists familiar with the significance of the procedure, while maintaining the sanctity of the ritual. Mantras and chants befitting the ceremony are recited with deep reverence. Homa done by Poorna Sri Vidya Upasagar who is initiated and has the rights to do this homa.
\nTo make a booking or Enquiry please PM or WA:☎️
\nPrayer Contents :
\n1. Sri Vikneswara Poojai
\n2. Sri Varuna Bhagawan Sodasha Upachara Pooja
\n3. Pavamana Suktam
\n4. Pradhana Kalasa Prana Pradhista + Sodasha Upachara Pooja
\n5. Asthothram or Sahasranamam
\n6. Prathyangira Devi Moola Mantra Homa
\n7. Prathyangira Mala Mantra
\n8. SarabEswaran Moola Mantra Homa
\n9. Soolini Durga Moola Mantra Homa
\n10. Jayadhi Homa
\n11. Praychitta Homa
\n12. Special mantras from Atharvana Veda
\n13. Pancha Bootha Puja
\n14. Special 5 kinds of chilli types and special ingredients offerings
\n15. Poornahuti
\n16. Shanti Mantra recital
\n17. Prokshanam , Raksha from Ayyavadi Temple
\n18. Sprinkle of kalasa water at the end of the Homa
\n19. Special Kalasa Bath
\n20. FREE Pratinyagara Yantra + Mai from ayyavadi
\nSo who is Goddess Pratyangira ?
\nGoddess Pratyangira Devi calmed Narsimha (incarnation of Lord Vishnu) after he slayed the demon king Hiranyakashipu. Goddess Pratyangira Devi originated from Shiva's third eye and is a combination of lion and human forms. Pratyangira Devi is the powerful, ferocious and profound aspect of the divine mother. The Pratyangira Devi is fiercely protective and thus is worshipped to cure various illnesses, sufferings and negative influences.
\nThe Pratyangira Devi Puja, Mantra Japa and Homa are a powerful homa for relief and protection from various negativities such as witch-craft, black magic, diseases and misfortunes. A lemon kept at Pratyangira Devi's feet during the Puja is then kept in homes for protection and to attract prosperity.
\nThe Pratyangira aspect of the Divine has been a bit of a secret for most of these past ages. Many believed that direct experience with this energy was reserved for saints and rishis. Seeing Pratyangira in any form was considered an enormous blessing.
\nPratyangira comes from a deep, deep place within the Divine Mother. As Pratyangira energy manifests, it’s often a very swift and sometimes ferocious current. Many of the saints who’ve seen it’s energetic expression have described it as half lion and half human. The lion head is that of a male and the body is that of a female, representing the union of Shiva and Shakti. In her full form, she is humongous, with 1008 heads (symbolically representing the 1008-petalled Sahasrara Chakra, the universal chakra of cosmic energy) and 2016 hands, riding majestically on a chariot pulled by 4 lions (representing the 4 Vedas), carrying many swords for removing obstacles. The jaws of so many lions makes it very powerful for destroying negative karmas and a great blessing for anyone on a spiritual path. However, such a current can be understandably rough, so it’s wise to approach with respect and some consideration of what our heart is asking for.
\nTwo rishis in the ancient times, Pratyangira and Angiras, in their deep meditation, discovered this goddess through her moola mantra in the ethereal waves of the sound current. And though this Mother is nameless, she honored these Rishis by giving the blessings to be named after them. She has hence been known as Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi. The beejaksharam (seed letter) of her mantra is ksham (bliss).
\nSri Maha Pratyangira Devi is all powerful and secretly protects devotees and others. She is always by the side of her devotees. She is within each and every being in all planes of existence, and there to be awakened within.
\nAn awareness of Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi has been only quietly known, until recently. Although the siddha masters and great maha rishis like Sri Dhurvasha Munivar and Puli Paani Siddhar have been devotees of this mother.
\nPrithyangira Amman is believed to have been born to calm Narasimha Swami’s anger and to save the world from his wrath after he killed Asuran Hiranyakashipu. One story from our purana states that when Hiranyakashipu was killed, Narasimha swami’s ugraham was unbearable and could not be pacified by other Gods. They feared that his anger might destroy the three worlds and all creations will come to a stand-still. The Gods approached Lord Shiva to help calm Narasimha Swami.
\nLord Shiva worshiped the Tri Shakthis (Parvati, Mahalakshmi & Saraswathi) and with their combined powers incarnated in the form of a Sarabha Pakshi as Lord Sarabeshwarar. From his wings appeared a huge fearful Goddess called Prathyangira. Her form was powerful, 1000 times larger than Sarabeshwarar, her head rising above the clouds and her feet well into the underworlds, fearsome with 1000 faces of roaring lions, 2000 protruded blood shot red eyes, 2000 hands with multiple ayudham, 1000 blood stained tongues protruding from her wide opened mouth.
\nIt is believed her creation came with thunder and lightning and as soon as Narasimha Swami saw her huge figure, he realized the mission of his Avataram and calmed immediately. In her potri malai she is beautifully described as “Sarabeshan Rekkaiyaal Vandhavale Potri, Seeriya Simha mugam etravale Potri, Narasimhan Ugiram Thaniththavale Potri, Engal Annai Sri Prathyangira Potri”.
\nAccording to another story, it is also believed that Sages Angiras and Prathyangiras meditated on this Devi and as a result Prathyangira appeared in front of them and pleased with their bhakti offered to have their names combined as hers. The Moola Mantram was then created. In her Potri Malai, she is referred as “Angirasar Prathyangirasar Dyaname Potri”.
\nA third story even refers to Mata Prathyangira as having destroyed the ego of Lord Sarabeshwarar. She is also called Narasimhi. In her dhyanam we may often see “Narasimhi Kripasindho, Prathyangari”; Narasimhi, because she hosts the face of a lion and body of a beautiful woman.
\nSimilar to Varahi Amman, many people fear to keep a photo of Prathyangira because she is once again thought of as a Ugraha Deivam or Dushta Deivam. People who think like that are ignorant of her karunai ,(mercy) azhagu(beauty) ,mahima(greatness). “Aval Samaanya Patta Deivam Illai…. Maha Mayee”… When we look at her, we often find her mouth wide opened, and this makes many fear her. There are two version that I have heard about this roopam. One is that with her mouth wide open, she sucks in all the Dushta Shakthi, Valvinaigal, Theeya Shakthis and releases her bhakthas from Dhrishti and Seivinai. In her Potri Malai, she is described as “Val Vinaigal Yaavaiyume Theerpavale Potri, Engal Annai Sri Prathyangira Potri”.
\nSecond interpretation is that she is in a state of Dhyanam. When one reaches the liberation point or Uccha Dhyana Nilai, it is believed that the mouth is widely opened. Prathyangira forever performs Dhyanam or Yoga for us, for her bhakthas. She is Sri Chakra Swaroopini. “Ksham” is her Bheeja Mantram. While talking about Prathyangira Amman, she is often associated with Bhairavar.. She is called Bhairava Pathnee or Atharvana Bhadra Kali (since Kali is considered to be Bhairavar’s wife). In her Potri Malai, she is described as “Bhairavar Manam Niraindhai Potri”. She is considered to be the protector of the Universe, the Nayaki of Atharvana Vedam. In Ayyawadi, Thanjavur, she is seated in the middle of a graveyard.
\nShe is not to be mistaken as someone who causes Death or is associated with Death. By living in the graveyard, surrounded by skulls, bones and burning pyres, she is revealing the truth associated with Maanida Janmam. We would have heard of this Siddhar Padal “Nandavanathil Ore Andi, Avan Naalu Aru Madhangalai Kuzhavanai Vendi, Kondu Vandhaan Oru Thondi, Adhai Koothaadi Koothaadi Pottu Udaithaandi” which conveys that Anyone Born Has to Die one day… burnt ashes is the Truth of Life.
\nWorshipping Prathyangira Amman relieves us from all kinds of dosham, accidents, enemies, diseases, wrath, curses, obstacles, black magic. She bears 8 snakes on her body. Her Potri Malai describes her as “Ashta Nagam Konda Kali Thirisuli”. Those who have Sarpa Dosham or often get scary dreams involving Snakes can worship Prathyangira Devi for instant relief. It is believed that Prathyangira Amman relieves us from Rahu Dosham and Varahi Amman relieves us from Ketu Doshams. Devotees who have experienced her Mahima have shared stories wherein by just spreading her kumkumam around the house or at the entrance of the house acts like a barrier and protects the house and family from Dushta Atma, snakes and other Visha (poisonous) Jeevangal.
\nPrathyangira Devi Temple is a Hindu temple located at Ayyavadi in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, India. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Pratyangira, the incarnation of Kali.It is surrounded by cemetery. The temple is more than 1000 years old and is associated with legends of the Mahabharata.
\nAccording to legends, the 5 Pandavas visited this place, kept their weapons under a tree, worshipped Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi and went around in the forests. As the Pandavas worshipped here, it is believed that the place was called as Aivar Padi which later changed as Ayyavadi. There are other stories also stating that the Pandavas performed the Prityangara Homa to win the war against the Kauravagal.
\n1. For protection from black magic, witch-craft and evil spirits.
\n2. Relief from debts, diseases, misfortunes and bad karma.
\n3. Destroys enemies
\n4. Relief from 9 planets malefic effects
\n5. Solve any unsolvable problems
\n6. Clears the confusions and stresses of the mind and promotes clarity
\n7. Destroys drishti dosh or the effects of evil eye
\nTo make a booking or Enquiry please PM or WA:☎️