\nஸ்ரீ வாராஹி அம்மன் தாயத்து 🐗🐗🐗
\n5 metals + 24k Gold plated.
\nConsecrated under Sri Vidya Vedic Rituals
\nPlease PM or WA for more information.☎️
How was the amulet consecrated?
\nPrana Pradhista + Sahasranamam + 16 Upachara Puja + Moola Mantra Homa 🔥 in our ashram @ Chennai Ambattur.
\nWhat are the items in the TABEEZ(TAKRUT)? 🌺
\n1.Varahi Bijakshara Yantra from Thanjavur Brihadeeswarar Temple
\n5. Black Tumeric
\n7.Asthagandha - Golochan, Kapur-Brass, Haldi, Kesar, Kapoor Kachli ,Itra Muske ambar, Naag kesar and Kumkum
\n8.Punugu from civet
\n9. Saffron Flower
\n10. Pachai Karpuram
\n11.Sacred Thread
\n13. Coriander powder
\n14.Cowdung Ash
\n15. Black Pepper
\n17. Dried Neem Flower
\n18.Red Chirmi Bead powder
\n20. 24k gold leaf
\n21. Gau Mata Gorochan
\n22. Kasturi - musk deer
\n23. Homa Raksha
\n24. Garuda Kelanguh Roots
\n🌺Benefits :🌺
\n🐗Relief from troubles and obstacles
\n🐗Eliminate Evil Eye
\n🐗Ward-off contagious disease
\n🐗Protects from evil spirits , black magic and curses
\n🐗Protects from Accidents and disastrous death
\n🐗Reverse adversity
\n🐗Rescue from captivity
\n🐗Protect Economic losses
\n🐗Bestow abundance of wealth
\n🐗Grants word power and fame
\n🐗Remove psychological disorders.
\n🐗Shows you the path of treasures and windfall luck
\n🐗Reduces malefic effects of Sevvai Dosham , Kuja Dosha
\nPM or WA ☎️
\nWho is Varahi ? 🌼
\nVarahi is the granter of boons and destroyer of enemies. She is also a god who give abundance and prosperous life.She is associated with Earth and all material related possessions. The significance is that, She grants all wishes, removes our ego and punishes all evil afflicting us. She offers immense protection and shields us from misery. She is always ready to strike down and correct our path, whenever we go astray. She will pave the way towards all our goals and helps us achieve the highest levels of spirituality as well as material success. Her boar face indicates that She can dig deep into our karmas and will remove all the hurdles affecting our success in all matters. Her vehicle mahiṣa/buffalo, represents the ego and inertness in a person to change and reset to the same old behavior, like a buffalo bathing in the same murky waters. She riding the buffalo represents Her ability to bring about the change within us and take us forward to spiritual and material heights.Vārāhi is the commander of all forces of Lalita. Her residence is an Emerald palace of Śrī Nagara. She is the Danḍini (Stick) Śakti of Śrī Māta. Among the Dasha Mahāvidyas, She is equated with Bagalamukhi, the controller of the tongue and the silencer of all enemies, internal and external.The five elements of air, ether, water, fire and earth are also referred to as Pañcami and She lords over them.Vārāhi riding a bull and carrying a stick, is also called Yāmini, the śakti or power of Yama, who rules the Southern direction and is the enforcer of karmas on departed souls.Vārāhi as the śakti or power of Lord Vārāha, supports the entire world and the universe on Her tusks. She lifts the Creation from the netherworlds and protects everyone.
\n📽️ About the Temple:
\nPM or WA ☎️
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