Pancha Boota Mala aka 5 Elements Garland.
\nNumber of Beads: 108 + 1 Beads
\nBead Size: 7mm-14mm
\nLength: 42 inches
\nCategory : Earth
\nLingam : Prithivi Lingam
\nTemple : Ekambareswarar Temple
\nLocation : Kanchipuram
\nCo-ordinates : 12.847604, 79.699798
\nBead: Thulasi
\nCategory : Water
\nLingam : Appu Lingam (Jambu Lingam
\nTemple : Jambukeshwarar Temple
\nLocation : Thiruvanaikaval
\nCo-ordinates : 10.853383, 78.705455
\nBead: Lotus
\nCategory : Fire
\nLingam : Agni Lingam (Jyothi Lingam)
\nTemple : Arunachaleswara Temple
\nLocation : Thiruvannamalai
\nCo-ordinates : 12.231942, 79.067694
\nBead: Rudraksha
\nCategory : Air
\nLingam : Vayu Lingam
\nTemple : Sri Kalahastheeswara Temple
\nLocation : Kalahasthi, Andhra Pradesh
\nCo-ordinates : 13.749802, 79.698410
\nBead: Sandalwood
\nCategory : Space
\nLingam : Aagaya Lingam
\nTemple : Thillai Natarajar Temple
\nLocation : Chidambaram
\nCo-ordinates : 11.399596, 79.693559
\nBead: Crystal , Spadigam
\nWhole Universe is made up of 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. These elements maintain balance. Nature struggles constantly to maintain balance. This is Law of Nature.
\nHuman body is also made of 5 elements: Earth element (Bones and Muscles), Water element (Blood), Air element (Breath), Fire element (Heat), and Space element (Emptiness within). If any one element is taken out, body would collapse. There are various energies in the body like, Bio-energy, magnetic energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy, chemical energy. These energies run the body. These are called VITAL FORCE or PRANA SHAKTI. Any imbalance in the five elements brings imbalance in the Prana Shakti or vital force.
\nImbalance of Elements and Disease
\n1. Imbalance of Water element: Cold, sinusitis, asthma, swellings, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem of urination, diseases of reproductive organs.
\n2. Imbalance of Earth element: Weakness, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss and weight gain, bones or muscular diseases etc.
\n3. Imbalance of Fire element: Coldness or fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity, diabetes, and mental disorders.
\n4. Imbalance of Air element: Nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains/deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia etc.
\n5. Imbalance of Space element: Thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, foolishness, ear diseases, etc.
\nWearing this garland balances your 5 elements in your body thus allowing you to lead a healthy lifestyle, make correct decisions to succeed in life and etc.