4 to 5 hours prayers
Special Private Prayers in Client home or in our ashram by trained and initiated Sri Vidya Upasagar.
Plus FREE Yantra + Free Dosha Clearance Bath
Prayer Contents :
1. Sri Vikneswara Poojai
2. Sri Varuna Bhagawan Sodasha Upachara Pooja
3. Pavamana Suktam
4. Pradhana Kalasa Prana Pradhista + Sodasha Upachara Pooja
5. Asthothram or Sahasranamam
6. Ashu Garuda Moola Mantra Homa
7. Rahu and Ketu Moola Mantras , Sarpa Suktam
8. Jayadhi Homa
9. Poornahuti
10. Shanti Mantra recital
11. Malayala Noorum Paalum ritual
12. Garuda Dandakam Paranyanam
13. Prokshanam , Raksha
14. Manasa Roopalalam Puja
15. Special Padaiyal for Koragaja
16. Koragaja Vijayam , Arul Vaakuh and Special Naga Dosham clearing rituals
****Kala Sarpa Yoga*****
According to Vedic Astrology, Kala Sarpa Yoga is an inauspicious Yoga in the birth chart of an individual, which is formed when all planets are hemmed between the nodal planets – Rahu and Ketu. The reasons for Kala Sarpa Yoga could be due to killing or harming a snake, destroying anthills, wrath of the serpent god from previous births, known or unknown sins committed, etc. can lead to Kala Sarpa Yoga in your current birth.
Rahu and Ketu are the shadow planets in Vedic astrology, which according to mythology form the head and tail of a snake respectively. Hence, these two planets are always placed opposite each other, and their position in each House can have specific effects on the native.
The following are the twelve kinds of Kala Sarpa Yoga based on the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart:
1. Anant Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 1st House and Ketu in 7th House
2. Kulik Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 2nd House and Ketu in 8th House
3. Vasuki Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 3rd House and Ketu in 9th House
4. Shankhpal Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 4th House and Ketu in 10th House
5. Padma Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 5th House and Ketu in 11th House
6. Mahapadma Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 6th House and Ketu in 12th House
7. Takshak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 7th House and Ketu in 1st House
8. Karkatak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 8th House and Ketu in 2nd House
9. Shankhanaad Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 9th House and Ketu in 3rd House
10. Patak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 10th House and Ketu in 4th House
11. Vishakta Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 11th House and Ketu in 5th House
12. Sheshnag Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 12th House and Ketu in 6th House
Effects of Kala Sarpa Yoga
Kala Sarpa Yoga, irrespective of the positions of Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart, can have one or more of the following effects:
1. Delay in marriage
2. Disputes or misunderstanding among couples
3. Separation of couples
4. Delay in childbirth
5. Lack of happiness, inner peace, and self-confidence
6. Health issues and decrease in longevity
7. Threat of accidents
8. Loss of wealth/property
9. Problems with family and friends
Over the years , we have worked tirelessly to find the best remedies for Naga Dosha.
Those who have bad placements of Rahu or Ketu, Rahu Ketu Doshas or Rahu Ketu Maha Dasha, Antar dasha , snake dreams and etc , this is the perfect puja for you too.
We work with the Nagas Overlords and Sri Garudar Bhagawan to pacify your malefic planets.
As per scripture, Garuda, the king of birds and divine vehicle of Vishnu, rescued the entire army of Rama from the poisonous effects of the Naga weapon launched by Indrajit, son of Ravana in the epic Ramayana. So, chanting the Ashu Garuda mantra and offering your prayers in the holy Fire Lab can destroy the fear of poison, ward off evil forces, boost your power, help you become victorious in your deeds, and enjoy all-round blessings.