5 to 7 hours prayers
18 Siddhars Have the Power To Transform Your Life Miraculously
This Homa is performed by Vedic specialists familiar with the significance of the procedure, while maintaining the sanctity of the ritual. Mantras and chants befitting the ceremony are recited with deep reverence.
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Prayer Contents :
1. Sri Vikneswara Poojai
2. Sri Varuna Bhagawan Sodasha Upachara Pooja
3. Pavamana Suktam
4. Pradhana Kalasa Prana Pradhista + Sodasha Upachara Pooja
5. Asthothram or Sahasranamam
6. 18 Siddhar Moola Mantra Homa
7. Brihaspathi Jupiter Moola Mantra Homa
8. Jayadhi Homa
9. Poornahuti
10. Shanti Mantra recital
11. Prokshanam , Raksha
12. 1 Blessed Yantra
13. Dosha Clearance Kalasa Bath
Benefits of the Jupiter Homa :
According to the sacred Vedic texts, invoking Jupiter in the Homa together with 18 siddhars can bring the following blessings:
1. Achieve success in your endeavors
2.Serve as an inspiration to others
3.Develop pragmatism and practicality
4. Maximize your imaginative potential
5.Empower yourself with knowledge
6. Beneficial in gaining a job
7. Helps the devotees attain wealth and benefactor into business especially to get lucrative deals and profits.
8. Solves Malefic effects of Guru
9. Success for People with political career
10. It instils knowledge and Wisdom (Gyan raksha)
11. Removes sorrow and suffering (Dukha kshaya)
12. Endless joy and happiness (Sukha aavirbhava)
13. Plenty of wealth rises (Samriddhi)
14.Get an assortment of endowments (Sarva Samvardhan)
15.Get good health and positive vibrations
16.Discharges abundant spiritual energy
17.Removes diseases and curses from lives
18.Removes sins and obstacles instantly
20. Expect miracles to happen in life
21. Removes Guru Chandal Dosha
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So who is JUPITER?
Brihaspathi, Guru or Jupiter is one of the most benevolent of all the nine planets of the zodiac system. He is the lord of wisdom, learning, fortune, fame, luck, devotion and spirituality. He has handsome looks with a broad chest. A Brahman by birth, he is the son of Sage Angirasa and Surupa. He is an expert of the Vedas and a supreme power house of knowledge. He has four arms and wears yellow robes and possesses golden complexion. He holds a stick, lotus and beads and presides over Thursday, one of the days of the week dedicated in his name.
Jupiter is the planet of success and teacher of the humankind. He represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire. This homa is targeted receive his blessings for success in endeavors, increase imagination, gain knowledge and serve as an inspiration to others.Jupiter is revered as the Guru (Teacher) who blesses us with education and knowledge. The largest of the planets, Jupiter wields immense sway on the fortunes of an individual. This benevolent planet governs religion and spiritualism and is responsible for the success one enjoys in the material world. A symbol of excellence, this planet exemplifies the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom and the various traits of the higher mind. Sometimes, Jupiter may be placed in certain unfavorable positions in your birth chart, and performing a Remedial Homa can reverse the adverse effects arising out of this situation, bringing about a change of stance in your favor. The prayers can wield the propensity to change our fortunes for the better, blessing us with a life filled with peace and joy.
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More about 18 Siddhars :
Agasthiyar: it is said that this great saint was initiated by Lord Shiva who in turn inducted kriya guru Babaji. He is responsible for discovering medicines like kaya kalpa, Tamil grammar and yoga. His disciples include Babaji, Thiruvalluvar, Macchamuni and Boganathar.
Nandidevar: Nandidevar was directly initiated by Lord Shiva. his contributions to medicine, alchemy and kayakalpa are noteworthy. one of his works describe 32 varieties of herbal elixirs and details about various aspects of rejuvenation therapies.
Kalanginathar: Kalaginathar was a native of china and came to india in search of spiritual wisdom. He was the disciple of Thirumoolar and was adept in alchemy, Siddha medicine, meditation, alchemy, performing miracles, yoga and other philosophies. He discovered that a medicinal plant called karunochi has the properties of rejuvenation.
Bogar: Popularly called Palani Malai Siddhar, Bogar is a great alchemist. He contributed to yoga, natural sciences and philosophy. He was behind installing Lord Muruga statue in Palani temple. He was instrumental in creating navapashanam, a herbal and mineral mix of ingredients that eradicates toxins from the body. This antidote can cure chronic health ailments.
Idaikkadar: The great saint Bogar was once amazed to see a shepherd performing intense yoga and accepted him as his disciple and transferred his Siddha knowledge to him. He soon became a master of Siddha medicine, yoga and philosophy. He attained Kunadalini awakening and experienced union with oneness.
Pambatti: Sattaimuni was his guru. He attained eight supernatural powers called Ashtama siddhi after undertaking penance for a very long time. He is famous for his work ‘Aadu Pambe’ that highlights the nobility and sublime nature of cobra, a symbol of Kundalini.
Sattaimuni: He was inducted by Nandi Devar and Dakshinamoorthy. His disciples include Sundaranar and Paambatti. He contributed around 46 works that includes medicine and alchemy.
Kudambai: Kudambai retired from materialistic world at an early age of 16 years and wrote poems on God and self. His works are called Kudambai Gynana Sootram 18 and Kudambai Siddhar Padalgal.
Machamuni: Also known as Matseyandranath, he has contributed immensely towards Hatha yoga and Tantric yoga practices. He was introduced by Agastyar, Punnakeesar and Pasundar.
Pulipaani – He is the disciple of Bogar. Born in China, Pulipani assisted Bogar in crafting the Lord Muruga statue at Palani by collecting the necessary herbs. His contributions to medicine and alchemy are noteworthy.
Kamalamuni: One of the greatest siddha of all time, Kamalamuni’s contributions in the field of medicine and philosophy is quite well-known. He was the disciple of Boganathar and was popular for his contributions in the construction of the Tanjore temple.
Sundaranandar: Disciple of Sattaimuni, Sundaranar surprised his peers by preparing a rejuvenating medicine called Chunnam. It has the power to eradicate diseases and when administered enters the nadis or energy channels and helps in the practice of yoga and pranayama. His other noteworthy works include Sundaranar Siva Gnana yogam 32 and Sundaranar Vakkya Sutram 64.
Azhukanni Siddhar – one of the most revered siddhas of the time, this miracle healer is known to remove sufferings of the people. His famous contribution is the Siddhar Gnana Kovai, literature material on Siddha way of life.
Therayar: His guru was Dharmasowmiyar and his work on classification of diseases is significant. He mastered many fields like astrology, alchemy, medicine, mysticism and language. He had a unique style and scholarship over languages. He was fluent with many languages like Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Tulu and Sanskrit.
Ramadevar: He was born in Podhigai Hills and is the disciple of Pulathiyar. His major work is named after him called Ramadevar 1000. He contributed towards the development of Kayakalpa, an ancient rejuvenation medicament that reverses the process of aging.
Karuvoorar: he was the disciple of Kamala muni. He learnt Siddha science, philosophy and yoga. He made great contributions towards alchemy, sorcery, rejuvenation medicine etc.
Goraknath/Korakkar: Disciple of Machamuni, Korakkar was well versed in Siddha medicine, philosophies, yoga and alchemy. His medicines for cataract of eye are noteworthy and he was known for using ganja (Indian hemp) as a rejuvenation medicine to increase longevity which was also named after him (Korakkar mooligai). He also contributed towards Avadhuta Gita, Hatha Yoga, Pradipika, Korakkar Brahma Gnanam etc.
Thirumoolar: He contributed the masterpiece ‘Thirumanthiram’ which deals with body and soul and is an almanac for Tantric Yoga. He even authored Saiva Siddhantham which framed the basic principles of Siddha system. His contributions towards nanotechnology, non-communicable diseases and degenerative diseases are worthy of mention.
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