4 to 5 hours prayers 🔥
Kanni Dosha , Kemadruma Dosha , Chandra Dosha Parigara Remedial Prayers
Special Private Prayers in Client home or in our ashram by trained and initiated Sri Vidya Upasagar.
This Homa is performed by Vedic specialists familiar with the significance of the procedure, while maintaining the sanctity of the ritual. Mantras and chants befitting the ceremony are recited with deep reverence.
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Prayer Contents :
1. Sri Vikneswara Poojai
2. Sri Varuna Bhagawan Sodasha Upachara Pooja
3. Pavamana Suktam
4. Pradhana Kalasa Prana Pradhista
5. Sodasha Upachara Pooja
6. Raja Upachara Pooja
7. Asthothram or Sahasranamam
8. Brameshwari Moola Mantra Homa
9. Kaumari Moola Mantra Homa
10.Vaaraahi Moola Mantra Homa
11.Vaishnavi Moola Mantra Homa
12.Chaamundi Moola Mantra Homa
13.Maheshwari Moola Mantra Homa
14.Indrani Moola Mantra Homa
15. Jayadhi Homa
16. Poornahuti
17. Shanti Mantra recital
18. Prokshanam , Raksha
19. 1 Blessed Yantra
20. Dosha Clearance Kalasa Bath / Sprinkle of kalasa water at the end of the homa
When a boon is granted, it is because of 3 reasons : ✅✅✅
1.The Karma Phala is due and it is hastened (Karma Phala means results of Righteous actions)
2.The Deity is pulled by the God by the power of the Mantra by the right priest or upasagar who has the rights to chant the mantra or is proficient in this mantra.
3.The God is pleased and He grants the boon with Love and affection.( Vancha)
To make a booking or Enquiry please PM or WA:☎️
Brahmi : She is the creative force of Lord Brahma.She symbolizes creativeness in all forms of knowledge. She has four hands, holding Kundam, Akshaya Paathiram (Alms Vessel), Japa Maala (Rosary), and ladle (used for pouring oil into Yagna Gunda). Her vaahanaa (Vehicle) is Anna bird and Her flag carries that bird symbol. She displays Varadha and Abhaya Mudras.
Shri Brahmi is Kaama Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of kaama or desires and She bestows Her worshippers with innate ability to transcend worldly desires.
Maheshwari: She is the activating force of Lord Shiva.She has three eyes and four hands, holding Trishul (Trident) and Udukkai (Drum creating Brahma Thaala). Her vaahanaa is Bull and it is also symbolized in Her flag.
Shri Maheshwari is Krodha Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of krodha or anger and She bestows Her worshippers with ability to transcend anger.
Kowmaari: She is the activating force of Lord Muruga. She has 4 hands displaying Varadha Mudra and Abhaya Mudra, and holds Spear (Vel) as weapon. Her vaahana is peacock, which is also symbolized in Her flag.
Shri Kowmaari is Lobha Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of Lobha or greed and She bestows Her worshippers with ability to transcend greed.
Vaishnavi: She is the activating force of Lord Vishnu with four hands displaying Varadha and Abhaya Mudras and holding Shanku Chakra (Conch Wheel). Her vaahana is Garuda – White necked Eagle, which is also symbolized in Her flag.Shri Vaishnavi is Moha Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of Moha or Ignorance.
Vaaraahi: She is the activating force of Lord Yamaa . She has four hands displaying Varadha and Abhaya Mudras and holding Dhanda, Sword, Gada, Shanku (Conch), Plough, Chakra (Wheel), Bhoomi (Earth), and Lotus flower. Her vaahana is Buffalo. Shri Vaaraahi is Mada Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of Mada or Self-Pride.
Indraani: She is the activating force of Lord Indra. She displays Varadha and Abhaya Mudras and holds Vachchirapadai. Her vaahanaa is Elephant.
Shri Indraani is Maatsarya Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of Maatsarya or Jealousy.
Chaamundi: She has one of Her foot pressed on the demon (representing the demonic nature / characteristics of human) and displays Varadha and Abhaya Mudras. Clothed in the hide of a tiger, She has eight shoulders and carries Soolam (Trishul – Trident), Kadkam, Ambu (Arrow) and Chakra (Wheel) on one side and Paasam (Noose), Palakai (plate), Sarngam, and Shanku (Conch) on the other side.Shri Chaamundi is Paapa Naashinya, meaning She is the destroyer of Paapa or Sins.
To make a booking or Enquiry please PM or WA:☎️
Benefits of this Homa :
🔔Clearance of all negativities circling the kartha
🔔Navagraha doshas clearance
🔔Clear unforeseen obstacles in every area of our life
🔔Gain good karma benefits to reach our goals faster without obstacles
🔔To progress materially and spiritually
🔔Prosperity happiness and wealth in the family.
🔔Marriage related obstacles will vanish
🔔Career related obstacles will vanish
🔔Puthra bhagyam – progeny
🔔Clear Virgins and all types of female curses
🔔Overcoming health, career, marriage, relationship and financial obstacles in life
To make a booking or Enquiry please PM or WA:☎️